Help with problems with the Ministry of the Interior Call 0800 204 476 toll-free to prepare a report. You can also send an email to [email protected]. Help with problems with social subsidies You can report any social subsidy-related fraud by calling 0800 601 011 (toll-free). This independence, our impeccable track record and our independent certification guarantee you an excellent service delivery. With multiple reporting channels, including a 24-hour multilingual information center and state-of-the-art data protection, our expertly trained information officers ensure that you receive the highest quality of information possible, while those who produce reports can enjoy complete confidence in identity protection. Our implementation and ongoing support is superior. Help with a problem with a traffic officer: Call the National Traffic Call Centre You can call 0861 400 800 (toll-free) to report fraud and corruption in government transport activities, as well as bad drivers, dangerous vehicles and careless and negligent driver behaviour. You can also send a fax to 086 602 5928. Help with problems with the civil servants` pension fund Call the dedicated anti-corruption hotline on 0800 43 43 73 to report a problem. The fact that this form of ethical reporting has legislative support in South Africa (and elsewhere) should positively influence people to share their knowledge of misconduct. The Protected Disclosures Act No.
26 of 2000, known as the “Whistleblower Act”, specifically aims to protect employees from professional disadvantages that report misconduct. In addition, many large companies also have their own policies, and most helpline services are operated by external providers, further embarrassing the security of reports. Whistle Blowers (Pty) Ltd provides a multi-channel ethics hotline to organisations of all sizes in the public and private sectors. Subscribing employers, whose ethical hotlines are outsourced by whistleblowers, benefit from the expertise, secure reporting systems and best practices that only a dedicated specialist can provide. Disclosures can be reported to the RSM South Africa Ethics Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The disclosure will be collected by advance call and reported to a recipient within RSM South Africa so that the matter can be investigated. The reporting person may at any time inquire about the status of the disclosure, request feedback and provide additional information and/or evidence. The National Prosecutor`s Office (NPA) is an institution established under article 179 of the Constitution. It employs and manages all prosecutors. It has a hotline where anyone can report corrupt activity and unethical behavior by NPA staff. The NPA hotline is open 24 hours a day, run by an independent organization and takes anonymous calls.
The Privacy Policy forms part of our Privacy Policy and is governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa. By sharing your personal data with us via our website and/or the CGSO platforms, by email and/or telephone, you will be deemed to have given us your consent and permission, where necessary and appropriate for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy; that we may collect, use and transfer your personal data for the purposes set out therein. If the information provided to the Commission contains commercial, commercial or commercial information belonging to you or a company, has a particular economic value and is generally not available or known to third parties – and you do not want it to be disclosed to third parties – you can request that it be kept confidential by filling it in. So it`s no surprise that good governance and legal compliance require you to offer reliable channels through which secure reports can be produced. In fact, it has become such an important part of your risk management strategy that running an ethics hotline has become a highly specialized service. Information on reporting illegal price increases: 0800 141 880. The Commission receives complaints from consumers (customers) about shops, businesses or businesses. The Civil Service Commission is an independent institution established under Chapter 9 of the Constitution to oversee the civil service. One of the functions is to receive complaints from individuals about grievances, dishonesty, inappropriate behaviour or financial misconduct by government employees. The Commission hosts the National Civil Service Anti-Corruption Hotline, which receives and compiles corruption reports and forwards them to investigators. Help with a problem with a store or business where you bought something or where you have an account: The National Consumer Commission However, many people are still reluctant to report unethical behavior.
This is particularly the case if the misconduct occurs at the senior management level or is systemic in the organization. Employees feel vulnerable to a number of negative consequences, from dismissal and downgrading, reduced promotion opportunities, reduced prospects for pay increases or bonuses, to more subtle forms of victimization. In order to maximize the effectiveness of an ethics reporting system, the following factors must be considered: The growing focus on ethics in the workplace, driven by news articles about misconduct and legal and corporate governance requirements, raises the question of how organizations can minimize workplace misconduct. Cases of corruption involving criminal offences can be reported to any police station. Report a non-criminal matter to the Québec Ombudsman, see above. You don`t want to be the last to know about unethical activities in your business. Information from employees and suppliers is a valuable source of information on misconduct and risk. For some, a trusted hotline will be the first, last, or only way to share critical information with you. Help with problems with the South African Revenue Authority Call the hotline on 0800 002 870 (toll-free) to report fraud and corruption in SARS. This information is sent directly to Advance Call, an independent third party, and we guarantee that there will be no retaliation for the whistleblower for reporting in good faith.
The Québec Ombudsman is an independent institution created under section 182 of the Constitution. It receives reports from anyone with a complaint of corruption involving ministries, authorities or officials who violate their codes of ethics or codes of conduct, as long as it is not a criminal case. Criminal cases are received by the SAPS, see below. Providing a professional and reliable ethics helpline to our private and public sector clients, large and small, is our only business. An increasingly used approach is to use employee knowledge to uncover unethical behaviour. This is based on the assumption that while there are cases where knowledge of wrongdoing is limited to the perpetrator, in most cases there are others who know, or at least suspect, that something is wrong. One approach that is increasingly being used is an ethics hotline or whistleblower system. It also aims to provide an anonymous way for employees to report any knowledge of wrongdoing without threat of reprisal.
But the key to its effectiveness is the question: “Is someone going to say it?” You can also report incidents to the SAPS Internal Anti-Corruption Unit: Eastern Cape: 0823020402 | [email protected] Free State: 083 443 7987 | [email protected] Gauteng: 082 828 5778 | [email protected] Limpopo: 071 678 3347 | [email protected] KwaZulu-Natal: 082 556 8532 1 [email protected] Mpumalanga: 082 449 0329 | [email protected] North Cape: 076 910 0447 | [email protected] Northwest: 084 085 4336 | [email protected] Western Cape: 079 894 1376 | [email protected] You can report corrupt activity to the Québec Ombudsman in several ways: Help with problems with the Department of Environmental Affairs Call 0800 116 110 toll-free to make an anonymous report of dishonesty to the Department of Environmental Affairs. Employees or third parties may report suspected instances of unethical behaviour, fraud or corruption within RSM South Africa Inc. and RSM SA Consulting (Pty) Ltd. You can also report any crime anonymously to Crime Stop, a toll-free helpline from SAPS. The number is 08600 10111. Using this approach to reduce unethical behaviour justifies constantly reminding ourselves that it takes not only courage to speak, but also courage to listen.