Why Is the Moonshiners Show Legal

At the time of his death, Sutton was awaiting trial for illegal distillation of spirits, a charge that was avoided especially by the show`s other stars, who are told to do exactly the same thing under millions of eyes. I love the show too. Master Distillers too, although it fully supports their commercial arm, which takes over and, I believe, compromises the integrity of the show. Whistle it, guys. Do you remember the truth of Lance`s father, who tasted the first taste of a sparkle they made? Brutal honesty. Well, every beer someone offers is “absolutely the best they`ve ever made.” Then it appears in the store. Give us a break! Of all the people who go corporately! Tim Smith is my least favorite because of his arrogance. Digger looks tired. Be careful, good man. Mark Ramsey looks like another of my favorites, James Spader [blacklisted].

Best wishes to Jerry – give your rehabilitation the time and course it deserves. Commit. It doesn`t have to be forever if you succeed at this point. Mike became sympathetic because of his love for you. Surprised himself and impressed me. I`m surrounding you with white lights, Jerry. Tim: You get the real moonlight here. This is not a joke. This is not a fake.

They know that we are the real deal on the illegal side that has become legal. So it`s not like someone just showed up and started doing something and putting a label on it. We took the exact same product and put it in a bottle, and now we can sell it to everyone. FOX411: How do you get around the law on a national TV show? However, it can be difficult to determine whether the moonlight they produce is real or fake. It might as well be water. So how do we determine if the show is fake or real? In 2011, Kathleen Shaw, a spokeswoman for Virginia`s liquor control department, revealed a bit of the true nature of the show. Viewers had (naturally) expressed concern that the local government would allow illegal activities to make a TV show. But that may not be the case.

“If illegal activity had actually taken place, the Virginia ABC Bureau of Law Enforcement would have taken action,” Kathleen said in an email to The Associated Press. When Magilla Entertainment began work on the series in 2010, executives thought it would be legally risky to focus on illegal moonshiners, presumably because that`s the case. Instead, they planned to show licensed moonshiners who have become legitimate. Unfortunately, this turned out to be incredibly annoying. As producer Matt Ostrom told author Jamie Joyce, “A legal distillery is not the most compelling thing to do. It`s not like people on boats hunting alligators or fighting vast seas. It`s literally: the water boils. One important thing to keep in mind when it comes to moonshine is that it is illegal because of its untaxed sales, not because of the illegal nature of the drink. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau classifies moonlight as a specialty spirits. You are prohibited from producing Moonlight for sale and distribution; Unless you get a permit, which is expensive and difficult to obtain. Tickle: And that`s why moonshine is illegal, because no tax is paid on it.

It`s not that it`s not regulated or that the government thinks it might be an inferior product, which if you know what you`re doing to make moonshine, that`s absolutely what you don`t want there. You cannot label your product if you make it in the forest. Your product must sell itself. If you have a bad product, no one will buy more shine from you. My dad was drinking and I love the show, but some things are not possible that these guys announce in their operation, I feel like I`m there. Even better if they show old photos. I will definitely keep watching. Thank you all.

🏆 Reality TV is what it is. I love the show, keep filming it. Fans might be surprised by the duo`s comments. “They must actually catch you doing something wrong. By the time it goes on TV,” Tickle told FOX411. Tim added: “And it catches you physically.” Tickle said that since the show isn`t happening in real time, it`s not the easiest thing for law enforcement. “We`re not sitting where we were back then. You know, they see me on TV on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m., I`m still not sitting in the same place at 10 a.m. when this show starts. It is not imposed; That`s about the only reason it`s illegal. With the right permits, Discovery Company can produce as much alcohol as it wants, as long as it pays income tax.

Artists are just employees who make alcohol, whether in the woods or outside in the barn. So yes, it`s real in that it`s a legal distillery, but the occupation doesn`t make it illegal. Tim Smith (Climax Distillery) and Sugarland Distillery are commercial partners of DISCOVERY. I love the show. Many fans wonder if what the cast of Moonshiners is doing is illegal. In fact, many people wonder: how are the guys from Moonshiners not stopped? The Discovery Network docudrama follows a dramatized version of the lives of the people who produce illegal moonshine. The series shows their efforts to produce spirits and circumvention techniques. But it turns out that the stars of the series – Tintin and Tickle – are licensed distillers.

Really enjoy the shows. I like guys brewing, landscapes and antics. Please keep going, it`s great to watch! This brings us to a bigger question, is the Moonshiner TV series real or fake? The Discovery Channel show has been on the air since 2011 and now spans 11 seasons. In the show, you can see how the 200-year-old moonlight tradition is made. The whole series is dramatized to show how the characters evade law enforcement and hide to make hard alcohol, or do they? The first season of Moonshiners featured Special Agent Jesse Tate of the Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Bureau, though attentive viewers noted that he never interacted with the incumbent Moonshiners or gave any indication that he was aware of this aspect of the series. Meanwhile, Josh Owens told Motorcycle USA: “I`m not in jail because, for one thing, it`s not proof that I`m moonlighting on television. And for two, I could do anything, it could just be water. Regardless, Owens argues that police have “a lot bigger fish to fry than someone who does just a little bit of something to drink when there`s alcohol in every store and bar in the country,” undermining the premise of the “bold outlaw” series. In one show, Mark and Digger asked Daniel to build a Ram pump. The water pumped upstream must have been a damn pump.

Shown 2 pictures of the pump, the outlet valve was closed both times. In the meantime, one can`t help but suspect that Virginia authorities would take this much more seriously if they had reason to believe something illegal was going on. Eventually, they were bombarded with letters asking why they had done nothing about the illegal moonlight production shown on the TV screen, why they had declared the show to be fake. If Moonshiners did indeed show illegal moonlight production, it seems very, very likely that Virginia authorities would have already stepped in to shut down a source of embarrassment. Something that is especially true because the people behind Moonshiners misled them about the nature of the series at first by telling them that it was all supposed to be a documentary about moonshine making and not what it actually was, which is why the authorities haven`t been involved in the creation of the series since. In fact, Moonshiners is not a strictly documentary TV series (although it certainly presents itself as such). Like so many other shows these days, it`s a docudrama, meaning it includes dramatizations of events that may or may not have taken place in real life. Perhaps unsurprisingly, there are different claims about how Moonshiners managed to stay on the TV screen. First, the Moonshiners actors claim that they got away with doing illegal moonshine on the TV screen because they have to be caught making moonshine illegally for the charges to remain. Based on their logic, this means that the images shown on Moonshiners don`t count because they show something that`s already happened, not something that`s happening. Moonshiners is a docudrama produced by Magilla Entertainment. The entertainment company also offers shows like Long Island Medium and Beachfront Bargain Hunt on our screens.

Whether the show is real or fake has often been tweeted, with many viewers worried about the program`s premise. The fact that the show is based on the production of moonlight has led many viewers to question whether this is illegal, which makes the series “fake”. As in many reality shows, people are quite natural, but the scenes are probably planned. Moonshiners is not a pure documentary TV series. Like so many other shows, it is a docudrama that shows dramatizations of circumstances that may or may not have taken place in real life. How authentic was what Sutton showed the world Marvin and how much was he a created character? In the end, I`m not even sure Sutton himself knew. Lance Waldroup was a smuggler on the show who died on February 25, 2021 at the age of 30. The father did not reveal the cause of death, but it would be congestive heart failure, according to the autopsy obtained by TMZ.