(e) All licences granted by the Ministry to a person for the purpose of public display must be conditioned in such a way that the person operating a wildlife exhibition in a fixed non-travelling establishment makes the facility available to the public for at least 30 hours per week for at least six months of the year; and the person directing a wildlife exhibit in a temporary facility must open the facility to the public for a reasonable period of time and at appropriate times of the day, depending on the type of exhibit. The Ministry has the authority to issue permits under this chapter that require adequate facilities for the humane handling, care and captivity of wildlife and for public safety. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Title, wildlife exhibits presented by federal, state, municipal, county or local governments or their agencies and temporary circuses that can prove to circuses to the satisfaction of the Department that 10% of the proceeds of such exhibits are used for charitable purposes in that state are not required to obtain a wildlife permit, but must obtain the license. free of charge from the ministry; However, all other provisions of this Chapter and all rules relating to the humane handling, care and housing of wild animals must be followed. (C) premises (buildings and grounds) shall be kept clean and in good condition to protect animals from injury and to facilitate the husbandry practices prescribed in this section of the Code. Accumulated waste must be stored in designated areas and, if necessary, disposed of to protect animal health. (A) Primary pens, such as compartments, used for the transport of animals must be well constructed, well ventilated and designed to protect the health and safety of the animals. Such pens shall be constructed or installed in the vehicle in such a way that each animal in the vehicle has access to sufficient air to breathe normally, that the openings in these pens are easily accessible at all times for the emergency removal of animals and that the animals are adequately protected from the elements. (b) The Committee is expressly authorized to supplement the list of wild animals in this Chapter for which a permit and/or licence is required. (b) No person shall conduct a wildlife auction without first obtaining a wildlife auction permit from the Department. Such a licence is only valid for a specific auction of up to seven days in one place.
“Our biggest thing is that we don`t want anyone to think, `Oh, I`m going to get in trouble. “I have to throw these crabs down the drain,” he said. “It`s actually very illegal and contradicts what we`re trying to achieve here.” (j) It is illegal for a person holding a licence or authorization under this Chapter to import, purchase, transport, sell or transfer wildlife and not to be registered within 24 hours of entering into the transaction. the date, place, manner, name and address of all persons involved in such a transaction. It is also illegal not to retain these records for a period of 12 months or to grant the ministry access to these records during normal business hours. (9) Separation. Animals housed in the same main pen must be compatible. Animals must not be placed near animals that affect their health or cause them discomfort. The keywords in the Georgian Ministry of Natural Resources` list of prohibited species are “generally not domesticated in Georgia.” Basically, if the animal is wild, it can not be a pet. The list includes rodents such as capybara or prairie dog, all primate species, birds of prey, dolphins and whales, foxes, bears, wallabies and kangaroos and many others. While Asian elephants are domesticated in the Far East, this is not the case in Georgia, so Asian and African elephants are on the list of banned elephants. Wolf hybrids or wolves crossed with domestic dogs are not allowed in the state.
(c) The Committee has the authority to require that any registered wildlife introduced, transported, possessed, sold or moved by anyone, including wildlife dealers, be identified by the correct species, number, age or other relevant information. A) Each animal shall be provided with potable water at least once every 12 hours, except as a result of hibernation, veterinary treatment or other recognized professional practices. Animals that require more frequent watering according to current practice are watered in this way. Don`t think you can circumvent Georgia`s rules on wildlife and exotic animals by pretending your pet is part of a wildlife exhibit or that you`re a wildlife rehabilitator. The state issues such permits, but regulations require an applicant to hold a license from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for issuance, reproduction, or commercial purposes. To be eligible, you must comply with regulations regarding types and sizes of cages, transportation, feeding and hygiene. If used for educational purposes, animal cages must identify the resident with “common and scientific names.” To obtain a rehabilitation licence, you must meet all veterinary care, housing and handling requirements. (2) The slaughter of wild animals or farmed deer in accordance with the provisions of section 27-5-6, section 16, of the Code and the laws of that State relating to the slaughter of livestock; or (A) It is the responsibility of the custodian or driver to inspect the animals frequently enough to ensure their health and welfare. “In Georgia, certain animals are prohibited unless the owner obtains a permit or permit for wildlife, and even this option is limited to certain groups – such as wholesale or retail wildlife, those who expose wildlife to the public, and those who use the animals for scientific or educational purposes,” explains Stacker.
Animals such as kangaroos, monkeys, foxes, wolves, crocodiles, alligators and cobras are considered “inherently dangerous” to humans under state law. The import, transport, sale, transfer and possession of wildlife are privileges that can only be granted if it can be clearly demonstrated that such actions can be carried out in a manner that does not pose an unnecessary risk to Georgia`s wildlife and other natural resources or to Georgian citizens and visitors. For these reasons, the General Assembly further notes and declares that only certain wild animals may be kept for scientific or educational purposes, for public exhibitions or as pets and may be lawfully kept only if the requirements of this chapter are met. The General Assembly further notes and declares that any wildlife for which a licence or permit, or both, is required under the provisions of this chapter and for which no such licence or permit, or both, has been obtained, constitutes nuisance and constitutes contraband and may be seized by any peace officer authorized to enforce this chapter. (A) Order of Falconiformes (hawks, eagles, vultures, etc.) – All species, except persons holding a federal falcon permit, may possess birds of the order Falconiformes without obtaining a wildlife permit; It is illegal for any person to release from captivity a wild animal within the meaning of article 75 of article 27-1-2 of the Code or to import, transport, sell, transfer or possess such wild animal in a manner that results in its release or escape from captivity.